Natural Dried Apricots (Jardalu / Khubani) - Kinnaur
Product Description
Natural Dried Apricots (Jardalu / Khubani) - Kinnaur
- Dried Apricots are from the orchards of Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh. Dried Apricots are made by drying the apricot fruit naturally and hence they have more shelf life. Normally, small apricots are dried whole and are energy dense and have nutritive value. The Dried Apricots which are vivid orange in color have sulphur dioxide, while the ones which are organic or natural are darker in color, have coarser texture and are tangy in taste. They are also known as “Khumani” and “Khurbani”. They are loved globally and are rich in antioxidant.
- Dried Apricots are rich sources of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, potassium, fiber and iron. Like other dry fruits they also have many health benefits like – treats constipation, boosts immunity, promotes good eye health, regulates blood pressure, helps in functioning of brain, prevents fatigue and anemia, good for pregnancies, reduces weight, helps in treating diabetes, good for skin, strengthens bones and helps in improving body’s metabolism.
- Dried Apricots are considered as one of the healthiest snack options and are used in making jams, pies, tarts, cakes, crumbles, salads and are consumed in breakfast with cereals as well.
We do not add any sugar to them and they have a low glycemic index. One can consume a handful/one-half to one cup of Dried Apricots per day. They are also considered as one of the perfect gifting options.
Orgenik Healthcare Products Pvt. Ltd.
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