Bipha Ayurveda
Rakthachandanam Face Pack (Charusuthra) - Bipha Ayurveda
Product Description
Rakthachandanam Face Pack (Charusuthra) - Bipha Ayurveda
Pure red sandalwood powder, one of Ayurveda’s most powerful botanicals for fighting blemishes, acts as a purifying mask and leaves you with clearer, exquisite skin
How to Use
- For dry skin: Make a paste using water or tomato juice. Oily skin: Make a paste using honey. Normal Skin: Make a paste using milk or coconut milk. Apply the paste on your face. Wash after 15 minutes. For best results, avoid going out in the sun for a few hours after application.
- Shelf Life: 24 months
Bipha Drug Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.