Natural Kattha Almonds (Kattha Badam) - Kinnaur
Product Description
Natural Kattha Almonds (Kattha Badam) - Kinnaur
- Almonds with hard shells are known as “Kattha Almonds” and these shells protect the almonds from mother nature. They are one type of Kagzi Almonds. They are usually grown in Kashmir, Upper Himachal Pradesh and Iran.
- Like all the other almonds, Kattha Almonds are also rich sources of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fibers, fats, copper and magnesium. They are highly nutritious and rich in antioxidants. They contain vitamin E which helps in protecting against heart diseases, cancers and Alzheimer's disease. They are good for type two diabetes patients and are good for skin and hair. They help in reducing weight and cholesterol. They also help in increasing brain power, building bones and teeth and are good for skin and hair. They are the healthiest snack and are used for culinary purposes, desserts and all. Usually Jains use them to keep them in their temple as well.
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