Natural Mamra Almonds (Badam) - Kashmir
Natural Mamra Almonds (Badam) - Kashmir
Introducing Pure Natural “Mamra Almonds”, From the beautiful valleys of Kashmir. They are also known as “Kashmiri Badam”. They are usually concave in shape and are available in their natural state and hence are a little bitter in taste. They are cultivated organically and have no specific size and shape as every tree has its own unique color and shape, the taste also varies from tree to tree and they are handpicked. The geographical situation of Kashmir and the pollution free environment of it gives almonds a unique taste.
Kashmiri Mamra Almonds are the world's most premium almonds. They are one of the most expensive almonds in the world as they account for only 5% of total global almond production, as their production is very less and is limited by geographic spread. Mamra almonds are rooted from the Mid-East and are cultivated in Iran, Afghanistan and in the valleys of Kashmir in India. Irani Mamra are rich in oil and Indian Mamra are rich in milk. The main difference between California almonds and Mamra almonds is the method of production, Mamra almonds are cultivated organically and hence are smaller in size.
Kashmiri Mamra Almonds are rich in antioxidants and are an excellent source of vitamin E and calcium. They are loaded with nutrients, vitamins, minerals, proteins, iron, phosphorus, fibre and magnesium. They have high oil content. They are higher in carbohydrates and are crispy and have a crunchy texture. They are superfood for the brain and are loaded with health benefits like: prevents cancer, improves heart health, boosts memory, improves cognitive functions, promotes weight loss, good for diabetes, boosts metabolism, reduces the risk of alzheimer’s, good for skin and hair, strengthens bones and teeth, boosts energy, promotes digestion, prevents respiratory diseases, prevents coronary artery disease and strokes by favouring healthy blood lipid profile. They are very nutritious for pregnant women. They are exotic nuts and have high nutritional value.
One can consume up to 22 Mamra Almonds each day – morning is the best time to consume them and one can also consume them before sleeping as they help in inducing better sleep. They can be consumed raw and can be roasted, salted or sweetened. They are used as a potent energy snack and are used in ice-creams, desserts, milkshakes, smoothies, Indian sweets and food.